About Alison Granger-Brown, PhD

Proprietor of Holding Hope Coaching and Consulting

Alison has a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems, founded on Master’s degrees in Leadership and Training, and Human Development. This combination of education stemming from nursing training in the UK and Therapeutic Recreation has grounded her firmly in an ecological and systems approach to human lifespan development, leading to her research interest in the area of developmental trauma, transformational learning, personal growth and change.

In other words the inter-relational factors that influence health and lifespan development and brain plasticity within the dynamic interactions of interconnected systems that all individuals must navigate. This translates, for example in the work environment, to the development and maintenance of employees wellness with multiple and complex social histories within the particular macro-, exo-, meso-, and micro systems within and surrounding their current organization.

For the last 21 years she has been specializing in the transformational learning, growth and development of people in provincial and federal prison. This is an extremely complex and toxic system within which to regain health and wholeness and also to maintain it as a staff person. She has gone on these journeys alongside many First Nations, Metis and Inuit people, and has studied deeply the Indigenous wisdom and knowledge of healing and human growth and resiliency, mostly due to the multigenerational impacts of trauma from the Colonial history of destruction of First Nations Peoples spirituality, culture and family life.

The construct she has been exploring in connection to transformational learning and transformative change is HOPE. This is still an emerging area of research and still very little is understood about the foundations of hope outside of a western perspective based in personal independence.

The intersection is complex and rich with possibility for:
Prison systems to seriously explore rehabilitation and reintegration through transformative learning space and opportunities.  
Trauma informed practices working towards recovery from addiction to support people in adopting new ways of coping with pain and intergenerational, historical or childhood trauma.
Organizations interested in supporting and nurturing growth toward alleviating stress, while reducing employee attrition and sick days and anyone who wants to achieve a more mindful, well balanced and joyful, hopeful life.

More About Alison

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The act of creation is founded on hope. Whether it is the conception of a new life, a work of art, preparing food, or planting seeds, we only do so if we have hope that “it” will have a future and is meaningful for our own wellbeing and survival.

Affiliates and Testimonials

Thank You

Many thanks to all the individuals and organizations who have worked alongside Alison throughout the years. Alison is grateful for all the support from friends, colleagues and clients. Thank you, to you all. 

"Holding Hope"

Alison Granger-Brown, Ph.D. is writing "Lora's Book": a book about a connection between two women - an Ontario Ojibwe woman incarcerated and then formerly incarcerated in B.C. and her connection with a corrections staffer who supported Lora's journey toward wellness.

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