Alison's Experience

Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute

2014 to Ongoing

Contracted Trainer

Achieve Centre for Leadership and Workplace Performance

2014 to Ongoing

Contracted Trainer and Organizational Consultant

Correctional Services of Canada

2015 to Ongoing

Staff Training on Developmental Trauma and Peer Mentor trainer and team leader

Associate of the UBC Canadian  Centre for Health and Education

2012 to Ongoing

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

2014 to Ongoing

International Trainer on women offenders

Clinical Director of Westminster House Recovery Society

2018 to 2020

Correctional Services of Canada

2004 to 2014

Clinical coordinator Complex Needs Units for men; National staff trainer for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT); DBT skills trainer for parolees: New Westminster Parole Office; Recreation Therapist; and  Peer Mentor trainer and team leader

Correctional Services of Canada

2015 to 2017

Recreation Therapist for complex mental health clients

Associate Professor University Canada West

2018 to 2019

MBA Program

Douglas College

2010 to 2012

Sessional Instructor: BA of Therapeutic Recreation

Alouette Correctional Centre for Women

2004 to 2007

Recreation Therapist and Volunteer Coordinator: recruitment and management. Community bridging and liaison

Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women

1999 to 2004

Volunteer Coordinator and Recreation Therapist

Walnut Grove Community Centre, BC

1997 to 1999

Yoga Teacher

Ingredients Etc. Langley, BC

1987 to 1999 

Proprietor: International food retail, manufacture, catering and teaching.

More About Alison

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"Holding Hope"

Alison Granger-Brown, Ph.D. is writing "Lora's Book": a book about a connection between two women - an Ontario Ojibwe woman incarcerated and then formerly incarcerated in B.C. and her connection with a corrections staffer who supported Lora's journey toward wellness.

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