
Patricia Sekutowska, CCAC, ICADC.

I had the privilege of getting connected with Dr. Alison Granger-Brown when she was hired to do clinical supervision at a non-profit organization that I was working for. When we met, I was just starting off in the field of addictions recovery and I lacked confidence in myself. I often appeared rigid or even cold, mostly because I had not grown into myself yet. I began to meet with Dr. Granger-Brown weekly or sometimes bi-weekly to talk about personal and professional development. Little did I know at the time, I had a lot to work on. Alison never came outright and told me the things I needed to change. She supported me in a kind and gentle way that allowed me to gain the awareness myself. She has a strong belief that it is never our job to walk other people’s journey for them, that it is their journey to walk. She shared an analogy with our team; as helpers it is our job to hold a flashlight for those we are supporting, only to shine a light for them while they look inside their “bag,” never to do their work for them. I applied this analogy to the work that I did with clients and I started to recognize a positive change in the way that clients responded to me. At the same time, it was clear that Alison was applying this work to me and my colleagues. I noticed changes in our entire staff team, and there was an evident overall shift in the organization due to her unwavering compassion and support.

It has been approximately 4 years since I first met Alison. I have moved on to a different role as I continue to gain knowledge and experience in this field. I feel grateful and honored to have maintained a relationship with Alison, she is a mentor to me. Anytime I need to get insight about my professional life or direction with school she is there for me. Not only that, but she supports me in my personal life as well. She makes people feel important and like they matter, she is always willing to carve time out of her busy life to talk. Another thing that she has taught me is to always leave someone feeling better after seeing you than they did before. She does this by inspiring a sense of hope in others. It is truly a gift that she has. I am no longer the timid, insecure woman that is unsure about my direction in life. I can see that I have grown immensely, both personally and professionally. I believe that Alison’s kindness and expertise had a huge impact on my growth, although she is far too humble to take any credit for it. Sometimes people come into your life at exactly the right time and play instrumental roles without even realizing it. I am so thankful that Alison was that person for me.

Sarah, Medical Industry in a Fortune 500 Company.

As a working professional in a male dominated intense environment I have found Alison’s services and guidance integral in helping bring my best self to work every day. She has given me confidence to advocate for myself in a kind yet powerful manner. She has helped me quiet my mind when it needed it, letting things go when I was ruminating ,and to develop solid plans to deal with many difficult situations. Great leaders all need strong mentors supporting them and Alison has been that for me both professionally and personally. 

Tonja Horne, CA, CPA.

I can honestly say that I wish I met Alison 30 years ago. I have suffered with anxiety since I was five. At least as far back as I can remember I was always worrying about something. Whether it was about not feeling good enough, not fitting in, not smart, not pretty or skinny, not not not so many things. I lived with these fears and insecurities on a daily basis. I started going to counselling at the age of 19 and continued many sessions and therapy groups for 30 years. But I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to stop the cycle of self sabotage and negative talk. My anxiety got so bad that I decided to sell my accounting business to go work for a company where I thought I would have less stress and worry.

What I realized was that I was still the same person with the same problems. I was lucky enough that my employer was willing to help and hired a coach to work with me. That’s where I met Alison. She listened but did not let me wallow in self pity. We didn’t dwell on the past or my childhood traumas but rather worked on solutions and coping strategies. She held me to task on so many occasions to face my fears and own my strength and worth. She was with me every time I had to take the next step. Her unwavering support and honest feedback has helped me move through so many fears. I have worked with Alison for over a year and i feel like I finally understand how to deal with my anxiety and have more confidence than ever. Thank you Alison for believing in me and helping me believe in myself.

"Holding Hope"

Alison Granger-Brown, Ph.D. is writing "Lora's Book": a book about a connection between two women - an Ontario Ojibwe woman incarcerated and then formerly incarcerated in B.C. and her connection with a corrections staffer who supported Lora's journey toward wellness.

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